K-L - MonsLily

Tartalomhoz ugrás



Kaleidoscope Jungle Cat
Carpenter, 2011
65/15cm, DIP, EV, Rebloom
(Super Fancy Face x Texas Kaleidoscope)

Karen Stephens
Kinnebrew-J, 2008
75/15cm, TET, SEV, Rebloom
(sdlg x Pure Indulgence)

Keep on Dreaming
Smith-FR, 2009
75/15cm, TET, SEV, Rebloom
(Italian Kaleidoscope x sdlg)

Keep on Looking
Smith-FR, 2009
70/15cm, TET, SEV, Rebloom
(Singing with Angels x sdlg)

Kingdom of Hearts
Salter, 2006
60/14cm, TET, SEV


Lacy All Over
Stamile, 2008
90/18cm, TET, EV
(Alpine Ruffles x unknown)
Lacy Doily
Joiner-J, 1999
50/9cm, DIP, EV, Rebloom
(Adopt me x unknown)

Lady Betty Fretz
Petit, 2005
65/15cm, TET, SEV, Rebloom
(Mardi Gras Ball x Only Believe)

Land of Cotton
Joiner, 1991
75/15cm, DIP, SEV, Rebloom
(Vanilla Fluff x unknown)
Last Song
Petit, 2008
80/15cm, TET, SEV

Layers of Gold
Kirchhoff-D, 1990
60/13cm, TET, EV, Rebloom

Lavender Moonbeam
Stamile, 2009
80/15cm, TET, EV, Rebloom, Double
(Flamboyant Eyes x Double Vanilla Supreme)

Lavender Tu Tu
Heemskerk, 2011
60/15cm, TET, SEV, Rebloom

Ledgewood's Born Free
Abajian, 2006
75/17cm, TET, SEV, Rebloom
(Ledgewood's Pansy Eye x unknown)
Leslie Renee
Stamile, 2004
60/13cm, TET, SEV, Rebloom
(Red Fang x Northern Glitter)
Lexington Avenue
Munson-R.W, 1990
60/15cm, TET, EV, Rebloom
(Nivia Guest x Malaysian Monarch)
Levi Davis
Carpenter-J, 2005
70/17cm, TET, EV, Rebloom
(Unending Melody x Mildred Mitchell)
Lies And Lipstick
Kinnebrew-J, 2003
65/14cm, TET, SEV, Rebloom
(Spacecoast Dragon Prince x unknown)
Liege And Lief
Lamberston, 2006
70/14cm, TET, SEV, Rebloom

Light Motif
Stamile, 2003
65/13cm, TET, SEV, Rebloom

Lime in The Coconut
Hansen-D, 2008
50/18cm, TET, EV, Rebloom

Little Grapette
Williamson, 1970
30/5cm, DIP, SEV

Longfields Outstanding
Heemskerk, 2014
50/15cm, TET, SEV, Rebloom

Lonnie Leroy Carpenter
Carpenter-J, 2004
65/19cm, TET, EV, Rebloom

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